Search for a LaGG-3 fighter in the Moscow region
Homeland sky

Search for a LaGG-3 fighter in the Moscow region

On November 22, 2020, a consolidated group of search engines (participants of the ” Homeland sky ” project) from Moscow and the Moscow Region, with the participation of specialists from the Center for Contemporary History, conducted search and survey work at the crash site of a LaGG-3 fighter near the village of Boris-Gleb in the Klinsky district.

The crash site was discovered thanks to the information received from concerned residents. They reported on duralumin debris in the nearest forest area. During the search, a crater from the plane crash was opened/ In the surrounding area fragments of the plane were found and examined. The result of the work was decent. The expedition group collected lifting material. That made it possible to establish the type of aircraft – LaGG-3 (fragments of the skin, fragments of center-wing and wing assemblies, the pilot’s armor plate split from the impact, fragments of the engine, technological plates, fragments of the pilot’s seat, buckles of the harness system were found). On the wreckage, there was aircraft number 3121 1087. It was twice duplicated. The engine number M – 105PA 135-1842 was found three times. Most importantly, the searchers found fragmented bone remains and parts of the headset headphones, indicating the death of the pilot in the plane.

According to the found numbers, the CCH specialists have begun archival work, that will possibly establish the name of the deceased Hero. According to the archival documents of the NKAP aircraft factory No. 21 (Gorky), it has already been found out that the LaGG-3 No. 3121 1087 was flown at the plant on November 7, 1941, after which it was placed at the disposal of the Main Directorate of the Red Army Air Force. A preliminary analysis of the operational documents of the units of the Western Front Air Force suggests that the aircraft and its pilot could have been registered as part of the 180th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 46th Mixed Aviation Division of the Western Front Air Force during the autumn-winter defensive battles of 1941 on the nearest approaches to Moscow. On November 28, 1941, two planes of this regiment with pilots still missing did not return from a combat mission from the Nakhodka area at once.

Today, research of the wreckage of the aircraft, archival research, and development of versions are continuing…

Search and archival work are carried out within the framework of the project of the Search Movement of Russia “Homeland sky.”