Conducting expert examinations of research in the field of history, archeology, archival science, criminology
Conducting expert examinations
The high qualification of the specialists of the Center for Modern History and our partners-leading scientists of Russia and foreign countries allows us to carry out expertise in a wide range of areas. The main specialization of the experts of the Center for Modern History is to conduct comprehensive research in the field of history, archeology, archival science, criminology. When conducting research and expertise, modern engineering and technical methods and innovative approaches are used.
Among the examinations conducted by the Center, it is worth highlighting Historical examinations separately. Historical examinations allow us to draw a conclusion about the validity of the materials of articles, publications, statements or other objects of expertise. When conducting a historical examination, a full-scale study of available historical, scientific and archival sources is carried out, a comparison of available facts and their verification by scientific methods. The result of the historical examination is the expert’s conclusion, which allows us to conclude that certain facts correspond to reality from the point of view of modern historical science.
Archaeological examinations are conducted in order to verify the facts reflected in archaeological reports or other sources of information. Often, the need to verify such facts arises when preparing for construction, design or conducting engineering surveys.
Forensic examinations aim to study traces, evidence, material objects to solve the tasks set, including the tasks of identifying the person, belonging or origin of the objects of examination. Most often, specialists of the Center for Modern History conduct forensic examinations of objects found with the remains of servicemen-medallions, documents, tokens. The main task of such examinations is to establish the text that allows identifying the identity of the detected soldier.
Reports on the work
Unified database of number registration of the Red Army Air Forces
One of the key exploratory researches carried out by the specialists of the Center for Contemporary History is the
Homeland sky
The search project ” Homeland sky ” was created to perpetuate the memory of the dead and missing pilots
Обратная связь
АНО «НИЦ Современной Истории» – приглашает к сотрудничеству всех, кому требуется содействие в реализации проектов, связанных с историей и археологией. Мы будем рады рассмотреть новые проекты и способствовать их реализации.